• Access to the RxGym for gym sessions will not be via a booking system. A booking system may be introduced if required.
  • A member of staff will be at hand when you entrance to welcome you back.
  • The government have restricted us to a maximum capacity within RxGym & RxBox under strict social distancing conditions. We are also fortunate enough to have access to the Secret garden, and the side of the RxGym providing us with great outside space and more training stations.
  • We have spread out the gym equipment and marked out training areas in RxGym, RxBox, the secret garden and the side of RxGym.
  • We now have a contactless entry system using a QR code via the RxGym app to enter the facility. To gain access to the gym you will need your mobile phone with the RxGym app.
  • When entering the build please download the track and trace app.
  • Access to RxGym & RxBox classes will continue via our booking system.
  • Participants must turn up at the time the class begins and not before as we do not have a waiting area.
  • No Face to face training is permitted.
  • Fresh air ventilation and extraction will be in place.

Below are some of the guidelines we are following to keep you safe. Please take a moment to review:

  • Posters will be on display informing customers and staff of social distancing and cleanliness/hygiene protocols throughout the facility.
  • RxGym will commit to the wellbeing of their staff and customers, and if they show/have any signs of COVID-19 (temperature, cough and difficulty breathing), they will be sent home to follow Government regulations.
  • RxGym will comply with any health designation documentation that the Government implements.
  • Hand wipes/sanitisers will be on offer (or people will be directed to where they can clean their hands).
  • RxGym will ensure that social distancing is adhered to, further criteria is below for certain areas.
  • Face masks will not be mandatory for staff, unless their role requires this.
  • It is down to the individual customer to take reasonable personal responsibility when taking part in physical activity.


  • RxGym will continue rigorous cleaning procedures.
  • If there is a COVID-19 case in the facility, then RxGym will follow the PHE Guidance and conduct a deep clean of all areas of the facility.
  • Staff will carry out regular cleaning of high-contact touch points throughout the premises.

Reception Areas

  • Hand wipes/sanitisers will be on offer (or directed to where people can clean their hands).
  • Gloves are not mandatory as the World Health Organisation (WHO) advice is that it is preferable not to wear gloves but to regularly wash your hands.
  • Processes to make sure social distancing remains in place for reception staff/or screens are in place.
  • Queue management – 2m spacing markings on the floor and if necessary, outside the entrance.

Changing Rooms & Showers

  • Social distancing cannot be achieved within RxGym changing rooms. Therefore, they will remain closed until permitted to reopen.

Gym Floor

  • Only equipment that is spaced far enough apart to maintain social distancing will be used.
  • Touch points of equipment should be cleaned after use. This is in addition to the cleaning schedule.
  • Extra signage regarding social distancing will be in place around the facilities.

Class areas (when permitted)

  • Social distancing guidelines must be followed (1m apart).
  • There will be a gap between classes, so no ‘waiting around’ in groups.
  • Equipment (including mats etc) will be cleaned in between use. This can either be done by the customer or staff member using spray and cloths provided.
  • If possible, markings will be made on the floor to show the area for individuals.

Outdoor Fitness

  • Social distancing and cleanliness will be promoted by the instructor(s) at the beginning and throughout classes.
  • Group classes will be organised in a series of formations to comply with social distancing, with appropriate spacing between participants monitored by the instructor throughout the class.
  • Nothing will be passed to/from the instructor to the customer – including personal items.
  • Customers should not cluster in groups before/after sessions.
  • Please show consideration for our neighbours and avoid excessive noise when taking part in outside classes.
  • We will be applying the rue of 6 for our outdoor classes as part of the government guidelines.

First Aid

  • Although there may be heightened concerns around first aid, this will continue as normal, with the below aspects to be used when needed:

    • Resus masks for emergency first aid to be provided to all first aiders.
    • Face masks for general first aid.
    • The Resuscitation Council UK has provided specific guidance on CPR delivery.

Personal Training Sessions

  • Personal training sessions will be permitted for members of the gym with social distancing and regular cleaning in place.
  • Personal trainers will set out the session in one area of the facility.
  • Social distancing and cleanliness will be promoted by the instructor(s) at the beginning and throughout sessions.
  • Nothing will be passed to/from the instructor to the customer – including personal items.


  • Towels/’sweat towels’ will not be taken onto the gym floor/into the studio.
  • Card/contactless payment will be promoted.
  • All contractors must follow social distancing and cleanliness guidelines.
  • Consultations will be available with strict social distancing and cleanliness in place. Online consultations will also be available via the gyms booking system.

If members wish to wear PPE mask, gloves and so on then feel free to do so. Cleaning equipment down after use will still be required. If you have any questions, please email info@rxgym.co.uk

We hope to see you in the gym again soon.

Patrick and the Rx Team.